US Achieves a Dubious Milestone in 2024 - Second Most Murderous Regime Ever
The United States has relied on abortion alone to push the Soviet Union's genocide ranking into third place.
The US has accumulated an estimated 62.5 million abortions from 1973 through 2024. This year’s estimated number of legal abortions is between 850,000 and 1,000,0000 after last year’s 1,037,000 murders.1 As a result, the land of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is now the second most murderous regime in modern history.2 The country will easily extend its lead over the Soviet Union in the coming years.3 It will rapidly decrease China’s overall lead as chemical abortions gain market share in tandem with the expanding underclass.
So, all hail America’s managerial efficiency in combining dark medical arts with industrial-scale dismembering and poisoning of babies in the womb? Should we have any moral, ethical, or theological qualms about holding second place without the wars and turmoil that enabled the competitors to rack up their totals? Do we need immigration when the solution to declining fertility and the Chambers of Commerce carping about labor is just to stop legal abortion?
China has undoubtedly murdered more infants during the terror of its one-child policy, and the Soviet Union was no slouch either, thanks to its preference to ration per capita state expenses (now adopted as official policy throughout the West). However, we also cannot ignore that the US is the primary source of policy and funding for the worldwide abortion and sterilization industry, especially in Africa and South East Asia. In terms of domestic policy and politics, it is hard to identify another country besides the US where abortions are promoted and celebrated as the most fundamental human right for women and with such an evident eugenic goal.
It seems we would do well to be constantly reminded of what the LORD hates:
16These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to [h]Him: 17A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.
US abortions reach highest level in over a decade, sparked by surge in medication abortion
Data on Mass Murder by Government in the 20th Century
Christ have mercy.