Authors, Don't Leave That Unpublished Manuscript Languishing!
Ad Crucem is pioneering a unique Christian publishing business model that gives control and ownership back to authors.
Ad Crucem Books, Ad Crucem's publishing arm, is a year old and already has several titles in print. More will be released this year and in the future, including a significant commissioned project with Rev. Dr. Martin Noland to produce a book about the Book of Concord to celebrate the upcoming quincentenary for the Augsburg Confession.
Ad Crucem recognized a gap in the market for accomplished authors whose books were rejected by regular Church body outlets or big commercial publishers. At the same time, there is an opportunity to disrupt the conventional publishing market, which is solely concerned with watertight copyrights, high-volume unit economics, and big-name authors. Without a monster balance sheet or de facto monopoly in any area, Ad Crucem had no other option if it wanted to serve authors.
We can’t guarantee that every submission will be published, and we will have to be selective, but if you have a quality manuscript, we would be honored to review it and let you know if we can prioritize it. At this time, we will not publish devotionals. Theological content will only be accepted from authors who satisfy Scripture’s requirements for the Office of Holy Ministry and AC V, AC XIV. Ad Crucem will not publish authors under the spell of the antinomian errors.
Write to > t i m AT ad cr uc em. co m
A Partnership
Ad Crucem Books partners with authors to deliver Confessional Christian texts to the visible church at the lowest reasonable prices. Books must be edifying to the people of God and consistent with the theology, doctrines, and praxis of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
As an unconventional publisher, Ad Crucem does not prioritize return on investment (ROI). We aim to cover costs, provide a fair outcome for everyone involved in the process, and produce products that will be proudly displayed and faithfully used. This requires a reciprocal change in author expectations, with the emphasis shifting from making money to getting their work into print and widely read. That kills off vanity and patronage projects, a significant gain for the Christian Church.
Ad Crucem Titles To Date
2028, Book of Concord Resource (title pending), Rev. Dr. Martin Noland.
December 2027, Family Bible Commentary, Vol. III, by Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz.
December 2026, Family Bible Commentary, Vol. II, by Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz.
2026, Apologetics title to be announced.
December 2025, Family Bible Commentary, Vol. I, by Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz.
2025, Repristination title to be announced.
2025, The Average Family’s Realistic Disaster Prep and Survival Guide, by Tim Wood.
2025, fully revised and illustrated Second Edition of The Narrow Way Simply Shown.
Late 2024, ¿Cómo Oirán? A Spanish Preaching Postil for English Speaking Pastors, Rev. Dr Geoffrey Boyle
December 2024, Family Bible Commentary, Vol. V (Pauline epistles, general epistles, and Revelation), Rev Dr. Adam Koontz.
May 2024, Without the Shedding of Blood, by Prof. David P. Scaer.
December 2023, Family Bible Commentary, Vol. IV, by Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz.
August 2023, Why Christians Should Actively Oppose Globalism - by Rev. Dr. Maj. (ret.) Harold Ristau
July 2023, The Narrow Way Simply Shown, by Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz with Pr. Adrian Sherrill.
October 2021, The Christian Christmas Tree, by Wanita Wood & Jesse Wisroth
Benefits of publishing with Ad Crucem
The authors determine the business model.
The authors determine the copyright status - conventional U.S.-based or Creative Commons.
The authors retain full rights to their work, including receiving the source publishing files.
The authors choose the level of service from basic to full-service professional:
Scaled editing services: from basic spelling and grammar checks to full professional editing, including topic expert and foreign language expert editing through third-party contractors.
Scaled design services: from generic book covers to full jacket and layout design, including typographical selection, graphic ornamentation, and layout design.
Illustration and art services.
The authors choose the following book formats:
PDF and/or,
E-Pub (Amazon Kindle) and/or,
Reflowable text or fixed text.
Printed book
Hardcover and/or softcover,
Full color and/or black and white.
Premium or standard paper (white or cream)
The authors set the book prices and determine the distribution channels.
Final prices are based on the authors’ royalty and cost recovery expectations.
Ad Crucem will retain royalties until it covers the costs of joint venture business models.
National and/or international distribution, including digital download options via
Order processing, tax administration, and worldwide shipping for physical products, including bulk shipments via Ad Crucem.
Direct marking to Ad Crucem’s 11,000 direct customers and 12,000 Substack unique readers (see
Optional supplemental marketing support, including speaking engagements and book websites.
Transparent financial reports and sales analytics.
Assistance with charitable contribution selection and fund distribution if requested.
Ad Crucem can source independent Doctrinal Review, but you should consult your ecclesial supervisor or church body for a recommendation to avoid unintended offense or dishonor.
Cost Guide
Costs for each project will vary since each endeavor is as unique as a fingerprint, so the estimates provided are approximate.
Ad Crucem Deliverables
Galley proofs for authorization to proceed to print.
PDF (locked or unlocked) and reflowable text E-Pub.
Design services as selected.
ISBN (optional for E-Books).
Editorial management services
Business assessment and business model recommendation.
Grammar and spelling review (English only, contract in other services)
Graphic and illustration recommendations and preflighting.
Pricing and distribution recommendations.
Distribution via and (physical and digital. Sales taxes and transaction fees are deducted from royalty payments).
Quarterly sales analytics and royalty payments (or whenever royalties exceed $250).
Author Deliverables
Submit a fully edited “final” manuscript in Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or open-source document format such as LibreOffice.
Front matter (see Appendix A for definitions).
Body (see Appendix A for definitions).
Back matter (see Appendix A for definitions).
Publishing collateral
Author photo(s) (recent & high resolution) and thumbsketch bio(s) (150-200 words per person).
Graphics and illustrations: raster and/or vector files (see Appendix B for more information).
Product categories, marketing synopses, keywords.
Appendix A
Appendix B: Graphic Design & Artwork
Raster and Vector Files
There are two main types of digital image files: raster and vector. Digital photos and detailed graphics are “rasterized.” The most common file types for raster images are JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and WEBP images. The most common file types for vector images are Ai, PDF, EPS, AIT, SVG, and SVGZ.
Raster images have a fixed pixel count when they are created. For example, most images you see online are raster files with a pixel count of 72 dots per inch (DPI). The human eye can easily render these images on a computer screen, but they become distorted and blurry when reproduced in physical print.
Raster images can be used for high-quality printing, but they must have a pixel count of at least 300 DPI and be sized to the exact dimensions of the space they will occupy to avoid distortion.
Vector images are infinitely scalable and are most commonly used for illustrations, charts, and hard-edged graphics like logos. No matter how big or small you size them, they never lose their resolution because geometry rather than pixel count determines the content. Adobe Acrobat files (PDF) can be used for both raster and vector files, as long as the latter are saved to be editable in Adobe Illustrator.
Outlined Text and Paths
Vector files must be delivered with all content “outlined,” including text and strokes or paths. This ensures the printer is not dependent on installing matching typefaces and that line weights and path intersections in illustrations are preserved.
Once the content is outlined, it can no longer be edited, so copies should be saved for outlined versions, and the source file should be protected as a master.
Understanding Color
Spot colors are solid colors created using premixed ink, usually based on proprietary swatches like the Pantone Matching System (PMS). Pantone colors are standardized, and each is assigned an individual number and name so that designers and printers in different locations can deliver the same result. Spot colors guarantee the color you get from a specific press or device and are particular to a substrate, for example, coated and uncoated paper or fabrics. Spot colors are consistent, bold, and vibrant but more expensive to print. They are not suitable for transparent colors, which include gradients.
Process color uses four ink colors — cyan, magenta, yellow, and black — printed as millions of tiny, overlapping dots that blend to create the full-color spectrum. Also known as the CMYK process, this printing method saves money by limiting the number of printing plates required for an offset press printing job to four. However, there are some limitations to the specific colors that CMYK inks can create.
Another process color is RGB - red, green, and blue. The three colors are combined and blended to create a wide range of colors using additive light. Hence, RGB is an “additive color model”. Adobe Corp provides an RGB “color space” that closely mimics CMYK so that designers can reasonably approximate what they see on screen and in print.
CMYK is preferred for physical printing, and RGB is preferred for digital images displayed on a screen. Conversions between RGB and CMYK are possible, but the resulting output will never be an exact match. Ad Crucem uses CMYK for most color projects. Spot colors (Pantone for offset and some digital presses, Roland Spot Color Library for in-house equipment) are available from Ad Crucem for complex or high-quality output requirements projects.