Projects for Hope Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO
Custom products to celebrate the congregation's seventieth anniversary
Ad Crucem was commissioned to create several custom wooden plaques for Hope Lutheran Church in Aurora, Colorado. The congregation celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2023.
The project included creating a vector (infinitely scalable) logo based on the church’s marble altar, incorporating a beautiful Chi Rho Anchor balanced by alpha and omega on each side. Stickers were also designed and printed to celebrate the anniversary.
Solid wood plaques were rendered in 2D and 3D views for approval by the congregation before proceeding to production for CNC-milled and hand-painted versions.
The decorative frames and corners are not visible in the 3D renderings because they are applied with a laser.
More recently, Hope commissioned a plaque to thank its long-time organist, Becky O’Shell, for her service to the congregation.
Let us know if we can help you with your commemorative project or recognition gift!
Thank you to Hope Lutheran for entrusting Ad Crucem with its anniversary and other projects.